10 Strange Condom Flavors > 나트랑 밤문화2

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10 Strange Condom Flavors

2024-12-31 02:16 7 0


To make sex a bit more exciting, we use flavored condoms. These days we can get different types of vegan condoms with flavors and scents, commonly something sweet like fruits and berries. However, there are some brands that have the strangest flavors that might want you to think twice when using it.

Let count down the most bizarre condom flavors found in the market.


Probably the strangest condom flavor, who would want the strong pungent smell of garlic in a condom? Although some say that garlic has an aphrodisiac effect and that it make your libido last longer, you still can't shake the thought of having to use a garlic flavored condom.


This might sound strange, but Aloe and condoms actually go great together. Aloe is a natural lubricant and soothing gel so it can help sex feel a bit more comfortable. In fact, you can find aloe in most lubricants as a primary ingredient.


From black and strong brewed to cappuccino, you can get coffee flavored condoms in certain specialty shop and even in regular pharmacies. It's probably the coffee's smell that got manufacturers thinking of turning it into a condom flavor. It wakes people up and helps stimulate your brain.


Durian is a fruit that primary grows in the south east regions of Asia. Is has a sweet taste and a custardy texture to it, but it does have a strong, pungent smell. Like garlic, many consider durian as an aphrodisiac. However, many establishments and hotels even ask their customers to avoid bringing this fruit inside since it leaves a strong smell.


Some people might find this flavor strange, but menthol condoms have been around for some time now. Other brands would probably label this as mint or ice and it give a cooling sensation when you use it. Other brands, like "all night" condoms, also use a numbing agent together with the menthol.

Melon Juice

These come in packaging that looks like milk cartoons and are popular in japan. One of the most notable things about this condom brand is how they made the packaging look "cute", instead of common condom box designs.Along with melon juice, this specific brand also made orange and strawberry flavored condoms.

Vegan vanilla

Basically your average vanilla flavored condom. Only that it's made for vegans who follow a strict "no animal byproducts" policy. Regular latex condoms contain milk proteins in them, so manufacturers found a way to take the protein out of the mix to make vegan condoms.

To make sex a bit more exciting, we use flavored condoms. These days we can get different types of vegan condoms with flavors and scents, commonly something sweet like fruits and berries

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